1·This article mainly compares the signal systems between line 1 and line 2 in Nanjing metro.
2·At present, the train signal systems include the fixed block system and the moving block system.
3·Bell signal systems and communication systems must be using at same time for decline hoisting system.
4·Digital processing of signals has become an attractive option in mixed-signal systems, such as digital communication and medical instrumentation.
5·If you need only a few nonvolatile gates, consider using a component common in analog - and mixed-signal systems: the digital potentiometer (Figure 1).
6·One of the most common causes of loss of performance in mixed signal systems is degradation of analog performance by noise from the digital parts of the system.
7·The WUS (WUSCHEL) gene encodes a transcription factor that specifies the adjacent cells to be stem cell. The WUS dependent signal systems have been found in different tissues recent years.
WUS (WUSCHEL)基因编码一转录因子,它的存在使周围细胞具有干细胞的特征,与之相关的信号系统近年逐步被阐明。
8·Early warning system of unemployment include: the warning level of unemployment, early warning signal systems of unemployment, contingency plans for the unemployed and the committee of Experts.
9·Signal processing, imaging, medical imaging, geology, bioinformatics, coding theory, information theory, control systems... It has been disseminated to almost every engineering field.
10·Plus, since the capability is defined digitally in software and signal processing is handled by a programmable computer, AMF JTRS can interface with legacy radios, waveforms and systems.
另外,由于具有数字化软件性能,信号处理由一个可编程计算机完成,AMF JTRS系统可以与传统的无线电、波形和系统相结合。